7 Key Trends of Amazon FBA in 2022
Trend #1 Amazon Advertising is getting more expensive in 2022 Trend #2 External Traffic for Amazon (Rank, Sales, Conversion Rate) Trend #3 Amazon is becoming a social shopping platform Trend #4 Amazon will provide more native tools for sellers Trend #5 Supply chain issues will continue in 2022 Trend #6 Selling on Amazon in 2022 is going to be different (FBA Aggregators and less sellers) Trend #7 The growth of Amazon (how long will it keep growing?) #8 Revision of previous year’s trends and predictions (2021) #9 How to Make Money on Amazon in 2022! Before we begin, this is going to be a really interesting blog post so stick to the end to find out how you can make money on Amazon in 2022 or jump to the trend that catches your eye. If you follow us then you know we give a lot of information for free. We never ask for anything in return and love doing this. Since we started this blog in 2017 we have been giving free advice to the Amazon sellers out there. Yes, it has been that long. The trends and predictions for the next year are always the most viewed topics on our blog. You can find other years here (Amazon FBA Trends & Predictions 2021, Amazon Sellers Trend & Predictions 2020). Now let’s see what Amazon has for us in 2022.Trend #1: Amazon Advertising is getting more expensive in 2022
We definitely expected this and to industry insiders this was nothing new. We have been forecasting the Amazon advertising’s cost growing trend since 2018 when we started doing this research into Amazon trends for the coming year. There is nothing particularly surprising here, as we know that Amazon has been a pay-to-play platform for a very long time now. Back in 2014 when we first started you could literally just source some products from China, slap your label – or not even put your brand name on them -, and just let them organically get sales through the algorithm, trusting that people will do the rest. You could get some nice sales back then but fewer sales too because Amazon wasn’t as big as it is now.
Amazon Advertising Trends & CPC in 2022 (Report)
To have a better understanding you need to see the Amazon Advertising Q4 2021 CPC Report by Pacvue. We can see that generally the CPC spend is going up. The CPC has been increasing by 14.3% year-over-year for sponsored products and 7.5% for sponsored brands. That’s really big. We definitely suggest you guys go and take a look at this report as it shows all the trends when it comes to the conversion rate, click-through rate, CPC, ROAS, the return on investment, and all this stuff that you, as an Amazon seller, must know to succeed.Continut xxx gratuit si filme porno nelimitat https://xxx1.link/orgasme-fata-tatoasa-serioasa-si-potrivita/https://xxx1.link/fata-sexy-care-te-va-saruta-cum-stie-ea-de-bine-sa-te-multumeasca/https://xxx1.link/blonda-inocenta-infipta-in-pula-pe-canapea/https://xxx1.link/se-termina-pe-ea-dupa-un-futai-nazdravan/https://xxx1.link/fata-pupacioasa-abia-asteapta-sa-iti-simta-pula-in-gurita/

How about Amazon Video Ads in 2022?!
One thing to note is that the return on investment for sponsored brands is actually not better than the return on investment for sponsored product ads. This is quite interesting just because video ads are considered the best performing ads on Amazon, as per several reports by different agencies. So the question here is what is going on? Most likely sellers still don’t use as much video advertising when it comes to sponsored brand ads. This is actually a good thing because this means that if you focus more and more on doing video ads, you’re going to probably have better results than your competitors. So video ads are something you should leverage. One more thing that we would like to show is the new product features for 2022 for Amazon brands report. This report comes directly from Amazon. What kind of new features are we going to have in 2022 for Amazon Sellers? Well we are going to have more in-line store shopping experiences. In other words, virtual stores will be more and more present. This isn’t just our prediction. We can see that Amazon is trying to drive the attention more into the Amazon store, which is acting like your brand’s website. If you don’t have a store yet make it happen and really work on your store as it’s going to be very important.
Amazon Advertising 2022 Experts Predictions
Now let’s see what some of the other experts are saying when it comes to advertising on Amazon. In this trends and predictions for 2022 article by Tinuiti it states that Amazon is getting more and more expensive, advertising getting more costly, CPC is going up and sellers are experiencing big inventory struggles. Doing the right inventory management is going to be key this year as we will see later on. When there is less stock and because costs are higher, it means that not only do you have a higher competition but you also have problems bringing your products to FBA. That is really a situation where you don’t want to be as a seller, so what do they recommend you do if you experience this? Dylan Verburgt of Tinuiti says that brands can minimize their market share loss from out of stock products and combat rising costs if they:“Double down on advertising that is designed to build brand awareness and preferences. When everyone else is pulling out of the market you can gain a higher share of voice by making bold moves. Additionally brands that can level up the products they do have in stock through advertising can mitigate any loss in revenue.”
We agree here but to a certain extent. This doubling down on advertising is just going to make the game harder and harder. Also, who are we giving this advice to? Are we talking to someone who’s already a seven or eight or nine figure seller or are we talking to a seller who just started? Are we talking to a family business that doesn’t really have the money to double down on advertising because their business model is completely different? Once again, smaller sellers are going to have serious issues in competing with the big ones. Key will be differentiation and doing the right marketing. So how can you actually compete with the very large sellers? We know that advertising is going to be more and more expensive so I would personally say do not just put all of your money into advertising on Amazon. To make a profit on Amazon in 2022 you should first choose the right niche where you know you can make the difference without spending too much on advertising. Eg: use micro-influencers. These days you’re competing with the big guys, especially when we’re talking about large sellers and aggregators. Aggregators are changing this game and we will see later what is going on with that.
More Voice Ads on Amazon in 2022?
What we are also seeing, and this article by Tinuiti confirms this, is an increase in the adoption of voice-activated advertising. This looks like it’s going to be a trend. In the article they say, “About one in four adults in the US now owns a smart speaker.” That’s really interesting as there is a large pool of users to actually push ads to. “According to reports Voice Shopping is estimated to hit $40+ billion across the U.S. and U.K. by 2022.” so we are likely to see more capabilities to push voice advertising, whether it’s through a smart speaker, Alexia, whatever, you name it. The important thing that you should remember when it comes to voice advertising is that you don’t have a lot of time to get a user’s attention. How many results do you really think a voice ad can currently give you? It’s not going to be 10 or 20. No, it’s probably going to be one or two or three. So you really have to be on top of the Amazon search. If we’re going to see a lot of voice activated advertising this year then it is going to be a game where only a few will be winners and the early players will have a very big competitive advantage because they are already there. Whenever you see the opportunity to-do voice advertising just give it a try.
Trend #2 External Traffic for Amazon in 2022 (Rank, Sales, Conversion Rate)
So the next prediction that we have for Amazon FBA in 2022 relates to external traffic. External traffic is still continuing to gain more and more importance on Amazon and this is happening for a few reasons. First of all, in case you didn’t know it yet, Amazon loves external traffic. This is completely normal and is absolutely understandable. At the moment, more than half of all Amazon product searches in the US are happening on Amazon itself. But this is not enough because Amazon wants to have the totality of the traffic, so what’s the best way for Amazon to get new users? Simple. To get more traffic using external sources. This means bringing users from other websites, from other influencers, and from other networks directly to Amazon. So how can you leverage external traffic? Well there are a lot of ways of bringing external traffic to your Amazon listing and store. Amazon is encouraging you to use Amazon Attribution. This is something that you should definitely do because you want to track where external traffic is coming from.

Trend #3 Amazon is becoming a social shopping platform
So the next trend that everyone across the industry is noticing and that is definitely happening in 2022 is Amazon becoming more of a social shopping platform. We have a lot of new elements coming into Amazon confirming this. First we have seen Amazon Live getting more and more important. This is something we covered in our prediction article last year and it’s only becoming more and more relevant. Amazon Live has been around for a little bit more than a year now and it’s becoming something that sellers should take into consideration. The interesting thing about Amazon Live is that this time Amazon didn’t create the concept of live selling on an ecommerce platform. This has been a thing in Asian marketplaces for the last five years. In fact it was started in China on marketplaces such as Taobao, Tmall and others. So this time it’s Amazon bringing into the West a trend that’s been in Asia for quite a while now. We previously discussed on our YouTube channel about how social shopping and ecommerce is evolving in Southeast Asia so definitely check it out because we talk about a lot of interesting things in that video. In addition to Amazon Live, we also have Amazon influencers, Amazon Post, voice shopping, and as mentioned before, voice ads. Users are going to be interacting with Amazon storefronts a lot more in the future. Amazon wants their brand and also brands on their platform to be more active in establishing a direct relationship with users, so Amazon is giving a lot of tools to brands to do the right marketing on their platform. Also let’s not forget that gaming and social gaming is starting to gain more and more importance for Amazon. Twitch, now owned by Amazon, is an interactive livestreaming platform where you have a lot of influencers sharing their experiences. Amazon has recognized that livestreaming is growing and is taking advantage of this with their platform. It is not entirely understood right now whether Twitch has potential outside of gamers, as gamers typically don’t like advertising. However, if you’re selling products for gamers then you have the perfect platform to advertise your products. We believe that Twitch is going to grow in popularity and its users will span across many different categories, not only gaming. We believe that there’s going to be a bright future for Twitch, especially because when Amazon wants to really develop one of their products, you can be sure that they will do so.
Trend #4 Amazon will provide more native tools for sellers
One very interesting prediction that we are already seeing is Amazon increasing their native tools. We want to quote this 2022 trends prediction from Jungle Scout that says that Amazon is going to create more tools for brand owners and provide more metrics and analytics (of course you have to be part of Amazon’s Brand Registry to take advantage of it.) The Jungle Scout article says, “Amazon will add a profit and loss dashboard to the Seller Central. Sellers and brands can currently view their daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly sales payment reports. However there is no way to view your actual profit and loss within Seller Central.” We are not sure whether Amazon wants to give full capabilities to sellers to view their entire profit because it would just make selling on Amazon too easy, so we don’t quite agree with this prediction. On the other hand, we do agree with the fact that Amazon is creating more and more native tools for sellers. The next prediction by Jungle Scout is that Amazon will add more Amazon store features. We definitely agree with this and this is the direction Amazon is going towards. We think that Amazon will give sellers everything that they need within Seller Central because Amazon wants to keep everything under their control. Amazon has always been trying to get rid of the middlemen. This has been happening since 2015 when they started making it harder for service providers. We’re seeing now how ranking services have pretty much been destroyed along with anything that doesn’t belong to Amazon. Anything that drives a lot of traffic or users, Amazon will eventually put it into their basket. Often what Amazon provides is even better because the data is coming directly from Amazon itself. Let’s look at the Product Opportunity Explorer as an example of this trend. Now this is an amazing tool that is available on Amazon so you can see trends and keywords for your products. Even better, you can also see your competitors. So Amazon is now offering the same type of service you could get from a third-party tool. Remember this didn’t exist on Amazon before. So by adding this capability, Amazon is taking a big part of the market away from third parties softwares such as Helium 10 and ZonGuru that provide product opportunities for sellers.
Trend #5 Supply chain issues will continue in 2022
Not quite a prediction, it’s more a realization that the supply chain is not going to get drastically better on Amazon. However, we believe it will slowly get better, probably to where we were before. In this predictions list for 2022 by Sellzone they believe that supply chain challenges will remain until the middle of 2022. We agree with what Robyn Johnson, who is profiled in the article, is saying: in the early part of 2022 we will still have a lot of the same supply chain issues that we had in 2020. We don’t think that this is going to get much better, at least not before then. So what can you do to manage the actual problems of the supply chain in 2022? Steven Pope says, “95% of sellers will raise their prices twice in 2022. That’s how bad inflation is right now.” We personally don’t think that the vast majority of sellers are going to double their prices this year. We actually agree with other experts that say that prices on Amazon are always to the low side because that’s just the nature of the marketplace. We don’t think that supply chain issues are going to drive up the prices too much in 2022. Moreover, increasing your price is not the best strategy when it comes to ranking your products on Amazon. Let’s not forget there is a huge competition on Amazon. We know that Amazon has been weeding out a lot of Chinese sellers but there are still millions of other sellers on Amazon. Better advice here is to plan your inventory management correctly. We suggest you take a look at our video with Sellerplex on skyrocketing shipping costs. Definitely check it out to learn some important tips. One more article everyone needs to look at is Amazon predictions for 2022 by Profit Wales. They actually interview a few experts here and they show how we can be more positive regarding supply chain issues. We like what Jack Howard is saying as he is taking an optimistic approach. We definitely agree. Sellers are getting smarter with their inventory management. They’re learning and adapting, they’re following the rules imposed by Amazon, they’re better planning their inventory, and they’re learning how to make better use of advertising. In even better news, we see a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to global logistics and shipments. In case you didn’t know, Amazon is going to help you to ship your products directly from China to FBA. In this article by EcomCrew they explain how you can get started with global logistics by Amazon. Amazon helping sellers directly ship from China to FBA is a continuation of Amazon’s desire to internalize everything. It is Amazon wanting to take control of the whole aspect of being an Amazon seller from the beginning to the end. You can take a look at this document from Amazon itself that explains how you can take advantage of their Amazon Global Logistic program and ship your products directly from your supplier in China to FBA in the United States.
Trend #6 Selling on Amazon in 2022 is different (the rise of FBA Aggregators and a decrease in sellers)
In case you haven’t noticed it, the whole Amazon game is changing with the introduction of aggregators. Aggregators are totally disrupting selling on Amazon. There is a huge market cap of Amazon FBA aggregators and this is bringing into Amazon a huge investment weight that is definitely changing the rules of the games for every seller. The way that we see it is that the big fishes are eating the smaller fishes. It’s been like that for a while. As we previously said, it’s like this for service providers and agencies with tools where now Amazon is creating their own to drive off the competition. We’re in a world where risk is much higher but so is the reward. We want to quote a very interesting video by Ryan Daniel Moran where he says that there will be fewer sellers and therefore Amazon would be less competitive. We don’t actually agree with the fact that Amazon would be less competitive but we agree with many other things that he is predicting. The video starts by saying that there’s going to be a massive suspension of a lot of Amazon sellers because of fake reviews, super URLs, and rank manipulation. We definitely agree with that but we’re not so sure that another wave of massive suspensions will happen in 2022. We know that Amazon doesn’t like when sellers manipulate the rank or reviews. We already had a big wave of suspension in the middle of 2021 and that was quite bad for sellers, particularly in China.

Trend #7 The growth of Amazon (how long will it keep growing?)
How long is Amazon going to grow? This is definitely a very interesting question that we should be asking ourselves. We have seen Amazon growing and growing since pretty much the beginning. The biggest boom we had was when Amazon started to democratize to third party sellers. Jeff Bezos himself said in 2019 that third-party sellers made up most of the Amazon marketplace. So growth is definitely going up. In Marketplace Pulse’s year in review 2021 we see how the percentage of ecommerce sales in the US has been going up and actually exceeding forecasted expectations, especially in 2020 and 2021.

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